Luna Hill @ Ochuse (Pensacola, FL)
Pensacola Florida was named “Ochuse” by Expedition 1559 CEO: Tristan de Luna y Arellano. Luna Hill Forest Garden is located on the highest point of the Ochuse Peninsula, now known as East Pensacola Heights. This map illustrates the proximity of Luna Hill to the 1559 Luna Landing and Luna Settlement sites.
What is LHFG all about?
Luna Hill Forest Garden is a manifest vision of economic design where the operation of the business improves or optimizes Life-support System Earth as it operates.
Seeking out global varieties of food plants that are not only adaptable to our climate zone — but adoptable by our dinner plates.
Luna Hill Forest Garden (LHFG) is a micro-localized business model transition-engineered from the STEP / SSAR design layers to fulfill the intent of HRV1 Human Responsibility Value: What? Who? Why? Read on….