LHFG Business Model:
Luna Hill Forest Garden is a nascent business seeking to find it’s feet. As a STEP micro-localized business model (MLBM) it is currently in a research and development (R&D) phase. LHFG is accepting economic nourishment to grow this seed.
Technology, Product, Service and Design (TPS&D):
LHFG is a Permaculture Design. It could also be defined as an Earth-systems technology whose intentions are to optimize ecosystem services as it produces life-sustaining products for a myriad of community neighbors — one of which being the good humans that interoperate with it.
TPS&D in R&D
- Ochuse watershed protection services
- Native Plant Nursery
- Food Forest Plant Nursery
- Insect Agriculture
- Garden Design Consulting
- Gardener-rate Hands-on, Supervision or Project Management